Welcome to LIIT MAH MCA CET , NIMCET , MBA CET , CMAT Coaching Classes , Dadar West
Only 15 Students per Batch May Batch starts :11 May 2025 June Batch starts : 15 June 2025 *Free Maths Demo Lec with Counselling : 27 April & 4 May 2025 for May Batch and 1 June and 8 June for June Batch


  • Price : 30500.00
  • Duration : 12 MONTHS

Course Syllabus

Only 15 Students per Batch

May Batch starts : 11 May 2025

June Batch starts : 15 June 2025


*Free Maths Demo  Lec with Counselling Sessions :

27 April  & 4 May  2025 for May Batch


1 June & 8 june 2025 for June Batch


Fees includes

  • Coaching for All 4 Subjects : Mathematics , Logical Reasoning , Computer Fundamentals
  • Mobile App for Mock Test Series (150 Online Mock  Tests) Topicwise , Subjectwise , Based on Entire Syllabus
  • Mobile Test Series App with 150 plus tests, topicwise , subjectwise, syllabuswise
  • Excellent Printed Notes with Solved Mock Test Papers
  • Maths Notse Prepared by Dr. Sushama Mujumdar , Ph.D.(Maths) IIT mumbai)
  • Experienced & Expert Faculties
  • Weekly Regular Test Series

call or whatsapp

Prof Tanuja Parihar on 9967271104



Duration: 120mins,   120 Questions ,  4 M for correct , -1M for wrong ans  , 

Total Marks : 480M       Exam Mode : Online  Exam Pattern : MCQs


Marking Scheme :  

Mathematics : 50Q, Logical Reasoning : 40Q ,

Computer Awareness : 20Q, General English: 10Q 


1.Mathematics  (50 Questions, 4 Marks Each : Total 200Marks):

Set Theory : Concept of sets – Union, Intersection, Cardinality, Elementary counting; permutations and combinations.

Probability and Statistics: Basic concepts of probability theory, Averages, Dependent and independent events, frequency distributions, measures of central tendencies and dispersions.

Algebra : Fundamental operations in algebra, expansions, factorization, simultaneous linear /quadratic equations, indices, logarithms, arithmetic, geometric and harmonic progressions, determinants, and matrices.

Coordinate Geometry: Rectangular Cartesian coordinates, distance formulae, equation of a line, and the intersection of lines, pair of straight lines, equations of a circle, parabola, ellipse and hyperbola.

Calculus : Limit of functions, continuous function, differentiation of function, tangents and normals, simple examples of maxima and minima. Integration of functions by parts, by substitution and by partial fraction, definite integrals, and applications of definite integrals to areas.

Vectors : Position vector, addition and subtraction of vectors, scalar and vector products and their applications to simple geomestrical problems and mechanics.

Trigonometry : Simple identities, trigonometric equations, properties of triangles, solutions of triangles, heights and distances, general solutions of trigonometric equations.


2.Analytical ability & logical reasoning  :    (40 Questions, 4 Marks Each : Total 160Marks)

The questions in this section will cover the logical situations and questions based on the facts given in the passage

 3.Computer awareness : (20 Questions, 4 Marks Each : Total 80Marks)

Computer Basics : Organization of a computer, Central Processing Unit (CPU), the structure of instructions in CPU, input/output devices, computer memory, and back-up devices.

Data Representation : Representation of characters, integers and fractions, binary and hexadecimal representations

Binary Arithmetic: Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, simple arithmetic and twos complement arithmetic, floating point representation of numbers, Boolean algebra, truth tables, Venn diagrams

4.General english syllabus: (10 Questions, 4 Marks Each : Total 40Marks)

Questions in this section will be designed to test the candidates general understanding of the English language.

There will be questions on the following topics:

Comprehension, vocabulary, Basic English Grammar (like usage of correct forms of verbs, prepositions and articles), word power, synonyms and antonyms, meaning of words and phrases, and technical writing.

Course Eligibility

Eligibility Criteria for NIMCET :

Nationality: Candidates must be the Citizen of India.

Qualification: Applying candidates must have either B.Sc. , B.Sc. (Hons.), B.Tech, B.E., BIT, B.Voc., BBA or BCA degree from any recognized institution.

Marks Criteria: Candidates must have obtained at least 60% or 6.5 CGPA (55% or 6.0 CGPA for SC/ ST) in their qualifying examinations.

Subjects: Candidates must have mathematics/ statistics  as mandatory subjects in qualifying examination.

Appearing: Appearing candidates can also apply for NIMCET but they will have to submit the proof of satisfying the eligibility before counselling.